Somerville Jobs Linkage Update: March 2017

There are two sides of Somerville Community Corporation’s anti-displacement work: affordable housing and good jobs. Without a job that provides a living wage and good benefits, Somerville residents can’t afford the high cost of living in Somerville.These residents are increasingly priced out of the City.
Last year the state legislature and governor approved a way for big developers and employers to invest in job training and opportunity – the “job linkage fee.” The City needs to act quickly to implement the fee so that we don’t miss the opportunity to partner with developers in launching this critical resource.
Last week (mid-March 2017), the Legislative Matters committee of the Board of Aldermen reviewed a proposal that would require big developers to contribute $1.40 per square foot to general or sector-specific training programs. We hope to see the legislation implemented as quickly as possible to make sure that Somerville’s workforce, including families, is not priced out of the City.
For more information about how to get involved in the job linkage fee campaign through Jobs for Somerville, contact René Mardones: