Reading Recommendations on Economic Development
When we asked for recommendations for good reads on economic development issues earlier this fall, we were not sure what the response would be. We are thrilled to have received so many excellent recommendations.See the list below. And if you have additions for books, journal articles, videos, etc., please contact me, Denise Moorehead, with suggestions. We will continue to grow the list, as new submissions come in.
From LISC Boston:
- We think Evicted, by Matthew Desmond, should be required reading. It’s heartbreaking, insightful, and incredibly well-written.
- We’ve also been immersed in The New Urban Crisis, Richard Florida.
From Diane Marie Pendleton:
- Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities, Ruby K. Payne and Philip E. DeVol
- Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb, Douglas S. Massey, Len Albright, Rebecca Casciano, Elizabeth Derickson and David N. Kinsey
- Evicted, Matthew Desmond
- How to Kill a City – Gentrification, Inequality and the fight for the neighborhood, Peter Moskowitz
- Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates
- The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander
- Overcoming Bias, Tiffany Jana and Matthew Freeman’
Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia (HOME), a nonprofit in Richmond, shared the following:
- Strangers in Their Own Land, Arlie Russel Hochschild
- Five Miles Away, A World Apart, James Ryan