Holiday CITC Challenge Match Campaign – Quadruple the Fun

We’re immensely grateful for your support year-round, and want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Every time you attend an event, take a class, donate, or tell someone about our work, you directly contribute to our mission of fostering a more sustainable, affordable, and diverse community.
The holiday season is a wonderful time for everyone to reflect on who and what they’re thankful for in their lives— our dear friends and neighbors, our loving pets, the wonder of first snowfall. And it’s a great time to keep community organizations such as SCC in mind when thinking about where to donate. If you’re a new CITC donor, and you give before the end of the year, you can quadruple your donation to SCC! Here’s how:
Let’s say you give $1000. It will get matched by a generous anonymous donor through our Challenge Match campaign, so SCC gets $2000, and you’ll get $500 back in tax credit! So your gift of $500 has become $2,000 for SCC.It’s the best deal in town :)
Happy holidays! Click here to donate, and thank you so much.