Help Create Community Benefits Standards

Union Square, East Somerville, and the Inner Belt Neighborhoods are the next frontier for new development.
What kind of development will we see in the future?High-rises? Biotech labs? Community centers? Parks? Affordable housing? Sports facilities? Spaces for public art?
The Union Sq community just won a Community Benefits Agreement – a groundbreaking agreement that will add $4 million to achieve the goals set by the community. Now it’s time to hear your voice – help determine the terms and goals for development beyond Union Square!
Join us for one or both Community Planning Sessions to set the Community Development Standards:Saturday, Nov 2 10am-1pm at the City Club, 20 Innerbelt RdSaturday, Nov 16 10am-1pm at the City Club, 20 Innerbelt Rd
Interpretation, childcare, and snacks will be provided.