First Source Jobs Program is at full speed

Less than 6 months after its kick-off, the Somerville First Source Jobs Program is celebrating its 16th job placement. These placements include part-time and full-time jobs in different industries, including restaurants, retail stores, and banks around Somerville.
The average weekly enrollment is three to four clients, and we are nearing the 90-participant mark. We expect to exceed our goal of 150 participants before the end of the year, only 9 months after the program’s inception. At this point, 67 of our participants have a resume ready or in progress as a result of their work with the First Source Program.
The First Source Program also held a job fair on June 24th. The space generously offered by SCALE was perfect to accommodate 13 local employers – Cambridge Health Alliance, Chico’s, Gentle Giant Movers, Holiday Inn-Bunker Hill Area, Integral Resources, JP Fuji Restaurant Group, Legoland Discovery Center, Pendleton Woolen Mills, Saks Fifth Off Fifth, SkyZone, Valor Security and Whole Foods Market. Over 70 job seekers attended; First Source participants were identified with a special nametag and logo on their resumes.
In July, the First Source Program also consolidated a partnership with the Restaurant Opportunities Center of Boston (ROC) to provide a Server and Bartender training in Somerville. The training is providing more than a dozen individuals with the skills that they need to start a career in the restaurant industry. As an incentive, a restaurant in Somerville that is currently hiring agreed to interview all participants who complete the training. Interviews will be held on August 5th.
If you want to become part of the First Source Job Program please contact:
For Job Seekers: Jorge Colón, 617-776-5931 x232,
For Employers: Gayle Sommer, 781-932-5513,
We are also looking volunteers from the community to help with initial intakes, interview preparation, and the Job Readiness Events. If you are interested in getting trained as a volunteer, contact Karen Narefsky, 617-776-5931 x230,