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First Time Homebuyer Participant Follow Up

Contact Information


MM slash DD slash YYYY
* We are required to ask this as an organization that receives federal funding. Hispanic: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Latino culture or origin, regardless of race.
(please select one)


Highest level of education completed


At the time of your home purchase were you:


What was/were the source(s) of your income?


Which of these options best describes your previous housing situation before your home purchase?

Loan Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Loan Type
Was this loan an FHA, VA, USDA or Government loan?
What type of pre-approval did you have before your counseling session?
What term of mortgage did you have before your counseling session?
What type of financing did you have after your counseling session?
What type of mortgage did you have after your counseling session?
Learn the story of SCC - watch the mini documentary:

Members of the community in Somerville, MA come together for an illuminated walk to bring attention to gentrification and housing affordability in East Somerville. Produced in collaboration with the Somerville Community Corporation and Mister Francis. Written, directed, and edited by Andrew Eldridge. Produced by Elizabeth Eldridge, Andrew Eldridge.

For tenants of the 100 Homes program, if you are in need of an urgent repair please call 1-617-410-9915. For life-threatening or other emergencies please call 911.

Somerville sits on the original homelands of the Massachusett, Wampanoag, Naumkeag, and Nipmuc tribal nations. We acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory, and we honor and respect the many diverse Indigenous peoples still connected to this land on which we live and work.

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